Each month 352 Preview is direct-mailed to 12,000+ Marion County homes on a rotating basis. 352 Preview—in its digital, flip-through form—is also always available for free online. To make sure you see the current issue each month and stay up to date on upcoming events and happenings, sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also look for us around town in high-traffic rack locations.
352 Preview is an all-woman-owned business. Like many of you, we’re busy, working moms. Between our careers, our home lives and our children’s homework and after-school activities, we sometimes feel like there’s not a lot of room left on our calendars for much else. We started this magazine because we wanted to offer others a place to turn to for ideas on how to put the fun back into your routine. We hope our magazine becomes your go-to source for events, upcoming concerts, weekend trips and, yes, even ideas for the occasional date night.

John Jernigan

Jesse James

Justin MacDonald